Monday, June 22, 2009

Well I know that you thought that I may never do this again but here I am. Tonight Emma got to pick a zucchini out of a garden. She was so excited about it and the fact that other stuff was growing and it was so small.

I was so excited that she actually eat all of her dinner that I put on her plate. She gets to pick something out for dessert and guess what she picked...a sucker.

Brandon and I are trying to decide what we are going to be doing this week. So many decisions. Fix the fan, fix the laundry room, fix the towel racks, or what? I know that we have a few fun things planned for this weekend from a Braves Game to a birthday party. Or get the bug for Emma. I think getting the bug for Emma will win.

Well I guess I will go and get the laundry and get Emma ready for bed.

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